TFP's Top 4: Fall Activities

Nowadays, it’s impossible to talk about fall without hearing someone mention intense enthusiasm for boots, Bath and Body Works candles and/or PSLs (or if you’re the trendy rebel, Caramel Apple Spice Lattes). While we here at TFP all own our fair shares of plaid flannels and have plenty of social media posts featuring our inaugural Starbucks red cup each year, we thought it would be fun to bypass the fall fashion essentials and cliché and make some new traditions. Welcome to TFP’s Top 4: Fall Activity Edition!

Scarf Exchange - As fun as clothing exchanges are, let’s face it. We are not in the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. The same pair of pants, sweaters or dresses aren’t going to fit us all. That’s what makes scarf exchanges perfect! Get together with a few of your fellow accessory-loving friends, each bringing a newly-purchased scarf in a gift bag. Make a game out of it by drawing numbers and taking turns, White Elephant style. Once everyone has had their turn, enjoy the rest of the evening with your friends rocking your new cute scarves!

Hot Chocolate with a Twist - If it is starting to get cooler in your area and you’re looking for that little something yummy to keep you warm, this White Hot Chocolate  (with marshmallow stirs!) recipe would be a great way to start a cozy, autumn evening.

As for me living in the Caribbean, fall is nothing near cool and crisp, so I don’t exactly crave creamy, warm drinks. If you’re like me and live a hop, skip and a jump away from the equator (or Texas), this Frozen Hot Chocolate is perfect for getting you into the fall spirit without burning you up in the process.

Paint Pumpkins - We’ve all probably carved more pumpkins than we can count, but painting pumpkins can be just as fun (and much less dangerous if you are accident prone with a scalpel -- or any sharp object -- like I am). You could use sticker stencils , glow-in-the-dark puff paint , chalkboard paint, spray paint or even glitter. (Warning: once you glitter something, you’re committed to it for the foreseeable future. Glitter is forever.) Also, because you aren’t cutting into the pumpkin, it won’t rot as quickly and should most likely last throughout Thanksgiving, just in time to start decorating for Christmas! (And no, it’s never too soon to start thinking about Christmas. Ever.) So grab a paintbrush, get creative and enjoy a new take on a staple fall activity!

Decorate Someone’s Else’s Front Porch - My sweet grandmother is a homemaker to the core. She loves decorating her space and making her house a home. When she fell and broke her hip a few years ago, it was difficult for her to walk, much less decorate her home for the seasons. During recovery, just the small gift of seasonal flowers for her front porch made all the difference to her weary heart.

We all have family, friends or church members that are in the midst of some tough struggles. Whether they have been sick, lost a loved one, or even lost a job, there are “someone”s in all of our lives who could use a simple pick-me-up. What about that neighbor who used to be out in her yard all the time that you haven’t seen out lately? Or the newly widowed lady that could use a visit to ensure she hasn’t been forgotten?

It’s important to take a step back and look at those around us and their needs. If you know someone you can encourage, go for it! After you’ve exchanged scarves or painted to your hearts’ content, pack up those pumpkins, an extra scarf and some mums, stop by that “someone’s” house and bless them for the evening. (Or maybe even include them in the fun from start to finish. I’m sure they could use a Hot Chocolate with a Twist and a sassy, new scarf, too!)

As we make the most of this season, it’s fun to have parties and spend time with our friends -- we were designed for fellowship. But let’s not forget we were also created to love others… the broken, the forgotten and the hurting. These hearts in need are greater in number than we realize. You may even be one yourself. Let’s remember those who need encouragement as we fully embrace the kickoff of sweater weather. When we begin to think and serve like Jesus, healing comes for those we help and for ourselves.

What are your favorite fall traditions? Let us know in the comments below! And If you try out any of these activities, we want to see! Send us a photo using the hashtag #TFPTop4.

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall