25 for 25

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Wasn’t Thanksgiving wonderful? I am stuffed to the gills with turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, and pecan pie. Yum! Now, there is nothing wrong with indulging every now and then, but we can’t live that way every day. We need to get back on track today!  

So, I have a challenge for you - #TFPs25for25!

There are 29 days until Christmas (!!!) so I challenge you to do a 25 minute workout for at least 25 of those days leading up to Christmas. That gives plenty of days to get a good workout in and still have a few rest days. 

The point is for you to simply get your heart pumping for 25 minutes each day, so the workout options are endless. You could run, bike, walk, hike, go ballroom dancing, do aerobics, or play tennis. Just do something to get active!

Time is the biggest excuse we use for not being able to get active and keep our bodies healthy. So I did a little math. We each have 1,440 minutes in each day. Twenty-five of those 1,440 minutes equates to 1.7% of your day. That 1.7% of our day, however, will reap benefits that will transcend far beyond 2% of our day, it's worth it. We can do this!

Still, If your life is a little too crazy right now, we would still love for you to join in on #TFPs25for25. Just try to add anything into your routine - whether that be a few jumping jacks, a quick one-mile walk/jog, or a 7 minute hiit workout. Something is better than nothing!

Grab a journal or download the MyFitnessPal app and log your workouts (and even your calorie intake, too, if you would like). I keep a journal of my workouts so I can see how many miles I run each year and it is very encouraging to see how far I have come! Once you start doing the same, you will be encouraged, too, and it will help you keep going. 

Lastly, we would love to hear if you are going to join our challenge and how you are going to stay active this holiday season! Keep us updated by shooting us an email or hashtagging a photo or tweet on social media using #TFPs25for25.

Good luck and keep sweating!

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall