A Prayer for a Weary

Lord Jesus, thank you for answering my exhaustion with your presence. When I am tired and feel like I am going nowhere, you still carry me and work in the unseen, and for that I am grateful. So often I wake up in the morning and hit the ground running, and I don’t stop until I crash onto my pillow at night. It is easy for me to live my days without taking the time to get into your Word. You Word revives me, help me to stay in Scripture. You are where I find rest. You are the energy and the calm that I need. During the days when I have hit a wall and I feel I can’t go on, and in the times that I am weary and exhausted, remind me that you sustain me. Jesus, let me do all things for you, in you, and through you. Thank you that I can come to you with my thoughts, concerns, burdens, and worries. You are all I need. In your name, Amen.

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall