A Prayer of Thanks

"Let us come before him with thanksgiving. Let us sing psalms of praise to him. For the LORD is a great God, a great King above all gods." Psalm 95:2-3

Jesus, how you give to us! Thank you for your salvation. Thank you that in you is all the hope, peace, and joy that we will ever need. In you we find life abundant. Thank you that you never leave us or forsake us, and we do not have to walk through this life alone (Deuteronomy 31:6). Jesus, you are so great. You have given us so much more than we could ever even fathom to ask for. Each day you shower blessings anew as if we deserve them. You pour gifts all around us, many that we don't even realize. Your blessings are so rich! Who are we that you would give so lavishly to us? Shouldn't we be spending our lives to give to You? May we do so, Lord. Let it be our honor and pleasure to serve You wholeheartedly all our lives.
Jesus, as this time of year naturally lends itself to giving thanks, let us remember where every good and perfect gift comes from (James 1:17). Help us to see your continual outpouring of blessings in our lives and let us remember to thank You for them. Lead us to give to others, just as you have given to us. As our families gather around the table, as we cook and prepare, and as we share meals and time with others, let us always remember to honor you first. Jesus, make our days all about you. Let our friends and family feel your presence in our homes. Thursday doesn't have to be all about the food, the shopping, or just getting everything done - it can be a day of worship to You and an opportunities to love others hard. Help us to do so.
Thank you for eternity, Jesus, though it will still be too short to praise You for what You have done and who You are. Help us to live in the joy of knowing you are exceedingly more than we could ever need or ask for. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen. 

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall