A Holiday Prayer for the Anxious Heart

Lord, You know it’s the beginning of the time of year where our days get busier and life gets crazier. In all the demands of this upcoming season, help me to remember You. I confess, Lord, with all the things swirling around in life right now, I become so anxious and stressed. I take my worries and try to figure them out on my own. I forget that You calm my fears and give me rest. I forget You are the One in control. Jesus, help me to remember that You are the cure to my anxiety, stress, and tension. Help me to remember that You truly are my Prince of Peace. Instead of trying to please everyone and accomplish everything, please instill in me the drive to live this season for You. May I not live for the parties, the presents, the to-do lists, or the food. But may I live this season for You alone, Jesus. Let this be the best holiday season yet because my mind my was fixed on You, my heart was set on You, and my actions reflected You. Thank you Jesus, in Your name, Amen. 

1 comment

  1. I need this on my wall as a daily reminder!! Thank you TFP.


© The Front Porch
Maira Gall