Home for the Holidays

My mother is the busiest woman I know. No one works harder, loves better or makes home more welcoming. She’s an all-star and my hero. Being home is one of the warmest feelings in the world. No matter how old I get, spending the night at my mom’s house just feels so cozy.

I grew up in a beautifully crazy home. We never ate dinner at the same time, there were always dirty clothes to trip over, toys were constantly sprawled everywhere, friends never knocked, and it was awesome. Needless to say, our home never looked “perfect”. My mom needed one of those Hobby Lobby signs that says, “Excuse the mess. My children are making memories.” She truly embraced hospitality that focused on people feeling at home, not a perfect home. Ever since I moved out on my own, if I spend the night at my house, my mom brings me orange cinnamon rolls and a latte in bed. That didn’t happen when I lived there, but now that I don’t, she wants me to feel at home.  

As we prepare our homes for families to trample through our doors with muddy boots, wrapped gifts, and huge smiles this season, my prayer is that we focus on the people that are stepping onto our front porches and not the tidiness of our homes. As I read and study through scripture, all of the verses I come upon about welcoming and being hospitable focus on service to a person, not things, and acting out of love, not pride (1 Peter 4:9, Matthew 9:10, Hebrews 13:2, Acts 28:2, Acts 16:15, and so many more). So let’s take a page out of my mom’s book and prep our homes for the hearts that enter. Here are a few tips to get your home ready for your guests to rest, not to be impressed:

Clear the front door. I don’t know about you, but we never go through our front door. It’s like a wasteland. I only go out there to turn on the Christmas lights, and it’s a scary place to be. As your guests come to your home with luggage, treats, etc., make sure there’s a clear path to get in the door.

Make room in a coat closet or get a coat rack. I remember growing up with a coat tree that was piled so high you just took whatever was on top at the fear of an avalanche of wool tumbling down upon you. But it was nice to have somewhere to put them all. The beds and couches will be in use, so make room elsewhere!

Load up on guest supplies. There were three kids that shared an upstairs bathroom at my house. The linen closet had more towels that the Hilton down the street. We could’ve done laundry once every 6 months and been fine on the towel front. Make sure you have towels, sheets, pillows and blankets for all your guests.

Think about necessities. Most families are traveling with kids, spouses, presents, pets, neighbors, the kids down the street, and a fruit cake. They have a lot to pack and get out the door. Take a lesson out of a hotel handbook, and get some miniatures for your guests. Think shampoo, lotion, toothbrushes, razors, etc. You may even buy some cheap robes for the bathroom for a special touch.
Be creative and have fun! Walk through your house as if you were a guest and think of everything you’d need. Put a sign out that has your WiFi Password. Put towels on the counter so they know where they are. Make space in closets to hang up clothes. Make welcome baskets for the rooms with some candy and lavender spray for their pillows. Whatever you’d like! The key is rest.

The holidays can be crazy, but preparing your home for guests doesn’t have to be. The smallest touches, such as extra socks or even mini tubes of toothpaste, can make a huge difference in helping your guests feel welcome. So grab a stocking, fill it with travel must-haves and simple treats and let your loved ones experience a truly cozy Christmas!

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall