Writing the Word - Easter Week

While we make preparations for Easter, let's invite the Holy Spirit to bring us a new and fresh perspective on this age-old celebration of the resurrection of Christ. The death and resurrection of Christ is the most important event in all of history, let's ask the Lord to renew our hearts with gratefulness as we write out what Scripture says about Jesus' last days on earth before his crucifixion. Our prayer is that we will continually be stunned by the grace of God who sent His Son as a sacrifice for our own souls, and may we respond in continual praise to our victorious, living Savior King! 

March 21 - John 13:3-9, 12-15
March 22 - Luke 22:14-20
March 23 - Mark 14:35-36; Matthew 26:47-56
March 24 - Mark 27:24-31
March 25 - Matthew 27:45-54
March 26 - Isaiah 53
March 27 - Matthew 28:1-9; 1 Corinthians 15:50-58

This week you may find our Scripture writing is longer than normal. We encourage you to write the entire passage that is listed on the graphic. However, we understand that time does not always allow for this. If you would like, read the entire passage listed, then choose a segment of Scripture that you would like to write. The Lord will greatly reward you for taking the time to invest in His Kingdom and dwell in His Word. We are honored to be on this journey with you. 

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall