Feeling Hot, Hot Hot!

So last time we talked about the challenges of getting in a good morning workout, but what do you do when these sizzling summer temps kill your motivation to exercise? You keep going, of course, and I’m here to bring you some ways to beat the heat while staying in shape.

  • Find a pool! - If you love to swim, find a pool and tread some water! On average, a person burns about 350 calories after 30 minutes of treading water in the deep end. (Awesome, right?!) It will keep you cool and is a cardiovascular workout that will engage your entire body (especially your core).

  • Hydrate! - DO NOT wait until you feel thirsty to drink fluids. By that point, you are likely already entering into dehydration mode. Our bodies require a daily intake of 64 ounces (minimum) of water, and even more in the summertime months, so always carry a water bottle with you wherever you go this season. This will remind you to stay hydrated, and you will feel the difference in your workouts. I like to use a larger bottle (usually 1.5 liter Evian bottle) so I don’t have to refill it several times throughout the day. You can even set goals for yourself --take that 1.5 liter bottle, and try to drink two in one day (and if you're not sure how much water is best for you to drink, consult your doctor or nutritionist for more info)!

  • Space out your meals appropriately. - There are few things worse than going outside in the scorching heat for a workout right after you eat and feeling the effects of whatever you had for dinner. (Fierce temperatures + full stomach = a fitness fiasco… Yikes.) So make sure to give yourself enough time before and after exercising for proper digestion. If you have to squeeze in a workout after dinner, give yourself a couple hours to digest your food, eat a smaller portion and eat a high protein snack after your workout!

  • Freeze a towel. - Prepare some washcloths or hand towels for a quick cool down by soaking them with cool water. Add a drop or two of your favorite essential oil (if you want), put them in a Ziploc bag and pop them in the freezer. After your workout, grab one and place it on your forehead or the back of your neck. It will feel AMAZING and will cool you down quickly!

  • Ice bathing. - Ouch…this is probably one of my least favorite tips because, honestly, I don’t enjoy ice baths! However, if you are a runner or enjoy cardio heavy activities, it is a great way to help repair small muscle tears that occur during long periods of activity and flush away toxins, all while cooling you off. A couple important things to know about ice baths: 
    • > Everyone has their own “cold threshold” you will have to “test the waters” (pun absolutely intended) to find yours. Don’t go to the gas station and buy two 15-pound bags of ice and use it all on the first try. Try half of a large bag the first time, and feel free to add a little warm water if needed.
    • > Your toes are the worst part. Our toes are super sensitive so don’t be surprised if that’s the most difficult part of the whole process. 
    • > Throw on a sweatshirt…and drink some hot tea.  An ice bath should feel more tolerable if you are holding something warm and have a thick layer on top.
    • > Don’t stay in there too long! There’s no reason to exceed 10 minutes in an ice bath. Set a timer on your phone and start with 5 minutes. Slowly work your way up to staying in the bath longer each time you complete a workout.

Hopefully these tips will help you stay safe, well hydrated and injury free this summer! So in the spirit of the 2016 Olympics, crank up those tunes, grab a water bottle, put your #PhelpsFace on, and get to work!

Hey neighbor! What are your favorite summer cool-down tips? Comment below and let us know! 

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall