She is Strong: Better Together

We’re better together.

We hear it in songs, we see it in ads and campaigns and read about it in inspirational social media posts. Scripture specifically speaks to it as well in many passages throughout God’s Word (Proverbs 27:17, Hebrews 10:24-25, Romans 1:11-12) -- there really is something to this resounding concept of good 'ole community.

With this month being The Front Porch's first birthday, I want to reinforce how healthy it is to have a “partner in crime” when it comes to our fitness goals. Community is so critical, and sometimes even I forget that one of the best places we can find it is in a workout partner!

Over the years, I've compiled quite a long list of workout ventures. I've run, spin (Or would it be span? Good grief, grammar!), and even yoga-ed. I've worked out alone, and I've taken (and taught) group exercise classes. In everything I've done, I can truthfully say that, without a doubt, I feel best and most consistent in my workout routine when I have someone meeting me at 6 AM to run or calling me up and asking, "Hey we're taking yoga tomorrow, right?"

There's an encouraging reason why that works for me. Community makes a difference and that accountability pushes me further because I know someone who cares is doing it alongside me, fighting the same struggles and striving for the same prize. It keeps me going.

  Two are better than one,

    because they have a good return for their labor:
   If either of them falls down,
    one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
    and has no one to help them up.

(Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, NIV)

What a powerful Scripture that can carry over into so many areas of our lives. Here are a few things I have learned about community and accountability specifically in my fitness journey:

  1. I don’t always want it. Sometimes it’s hard to get up at 5 AM or finish a run when you feel like you’re dragging. But what I know about myself (and hopefully you can relate) is I’m 100X more likely (those are pretty good odds) to finish that workout if someone is running alongside me.
  2. But I always need it. Some of the best moments of encouragement I’ve received is during a workout with a friend. Find someone that you can set realistic goals with and begin encouraging one another during your workouts so you can achieve those goals together. 
  3. It’s a lot harder to give up without it. If left to run before the crack of dawn on my own, that snooze button will almost always get the better of me. However, if I know someone is counting on me to workout with them,  I might be five minutes late in the mornings (Sorry, running buddies… you know it’s true), but ultimately, I will be there. I won’t “stand up” a workout partner. Having a buddy automatically creates a space for accountability that wasn’t there before. It’s a new layer to a friendship and often a lifelong “common ground” you get to share with someone.

As we celebrate TFP’s birthday, I would encourage you to find a buddy and go do something active. Take pictures of your run, walk or workout class, and tag us on social media using #TFP or #TFPSheIsStrong!

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall