Welcome to The Front Porch

In  honor of it being TFP's 1st birthday, we are taking a trip back through memory lane as we read what Danielle posted a year ago today about her heart for this community called The Front Porch! 

Looking back on my childhood years, I’ve realized how many memories I have on a front porch. I remember playing hide and seek behind the rocking chairs (I realize I could have found a better place to hide) on my grandmother’s porch. I remember watching my mom decorate her front porch with pumpkins, wreaths, flowers or mini Christmas trees as each season rolled by, and watching the sunset with her talking about everything under that setting sun. I remember swinging as high as I could on my aunt’s old white porch swing on Thanksgiving each year. I also remember having to leave those front porches, and always wanting to go back.

What stands out to me the most in my memories of front porches is the relationships I had in those familiar places. It was always exciting because I never knew what we would do or talk about, or who would be in the rocking chairs from week to week. It was a place where everyone was welcome, and the sweet tea was always freely flowing (amen and amen). It was simply a place to live life. A lot happens when you take the time to sit, reflect, talk and get to know others. As you do that, those places aren’t just places anymore -- they become spaces in your heart that hold memories, fondness and a sense of home. That is what this community is all about - not a place, but a space in your heart that you feel at home.

I remember exactly where I was sitting when the idea of The Front Porch blog came to my mind. I was sitting on the bed, staring through the door, wishing my best friends would walk in with a good movie and a selfie stick, ready to fill up instagram with another night of hilarious memories. I also remember where I was standing when the Lord spoke a lesson so deep into my heart that I don’t think I will ever forget it. I haven’t had a perfect track record since, but what the Holy Spirit so sweetly impressed on my heart that day has led me to right now... writing the very first post for a dream that God alone placed inside of me.

I had a great childhood. I absolutely loved high school, and when I graduated I had high expectations that my recording contract and new album would lead to a successful music tour. As I met my husband, who is also a musician, it seemed as though all of my dreams of a music career were coming true. All of my life I placed my identity in the things that I was doing and who I thought I was going to be, but as the reality of my life did not meet my expectations, I spent a great deal of time processing reality.

Fast forward eight years to 2014... when my husband and I packed up eight suitcases and two guitars to move 1,000 miles south to the Cayman Islands. Our job was to spend some time here investing in a church and loving on the great people of this island. Although I liked the island and the people were extremely kind to us, I still struggled to adjust to life in a different culture after a few months. What was comfortable and familiar was far away. My family and two dogs were a full day of flying away, and the closest Target was 500 miles from me.

The brokenness came to a head one day when I was washing dishes. I stood at my kitchen sink and looked through the window at a crystal blue ocean crashing against the rocky shore. I couldn’t help but feel unimportant, not in the humble kind of way, but more in the failure kind of way. I wondered how God could use me for anything good when I felt I offered so little. The majority of my daily responsibilities were cleaning the house and cooking dinner for my husband. Did I hear God right? Was this what I was supposed to be doing? I felt defeated.

That was the point when the Lord started teaching me the most freeing and exciting lesson: it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter what I was doing, where I was, how busy or in demand my time was, or how many people knew my name. What mattered solely was my obedience to Him. Whether that meant spending every day being a homemaker for my husband or standing on a stage singing to thousands of people. Obedience is obedience from God’s perspective.

It is easy to feel like we are more significant the busier we are or the bigger our platforms seem. In God’s Kingdom, however, every single child of His has one single, most important purpose: to shine the light of Jesus. When our heart is beating out rhythms of worship to God, it doesn’t matter how much we’re getting paid to do it or who is watching. God concerns Himself with the orientation of our hearts in light of His holiness.

With patience that only a perfect, holy Father can have, God began to teach me the real definition of significance. As the Lord and I began weeding through all the lies I had believed for so long, I wondered how many other ladies were just like me, in need of those moments with God to laugh at the simple things in life and cry through the difficult days. In need of a place of encouragement. In need of a place to spill our feelings. In need of a community of loving friends. In need of a front porch.

Over the past year, I have watched the Lord birth ideas in my head, bring a team of amazing, talented women together, open crazy exciting doors and put a name to the ministry He placed in my heart. I want every single woman in the world to know that the Lord has written a specific story for each of their lives, and no one else can fulfill those stories but them.

My prayer is that each woman who visits this site will find an encouraging, genuine community with their fellow sisters. I pray they will learn that worship is possible in every single moment of every single day, and I pray that we will be unified with Christ, so we can be unified with fellow believers, championing each other to fulfill our specific calls.

Every single detail of your life was, is and will be orchestrated by a sovereign God who loves you with unending, immeasurable love. It is this God of immeasurable love that we worship, and it’s His love that I want us all to experience in our time here together.

So wherever you find yourself right now, come join us as we make some memories, share what we’re learning and have some laughs on our own virtual front porch. We are here to talk about life, hobbies, faith, fears and excitements, and I hope each time you leave this place, you’ll want to come back again. Welcome to The Front Porch.

Hey neighbor, do you love The Front Porch? If so, share this post with your friends so they can join our community as well! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very well said!! Happy Birthday to The Front Porch!! Thankful for TFP!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


© The Front Porch
Maira Gall