In God We Trust

“Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs, he returns to the earth; on that very day his plans perish. Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God,” Psalm 146:3-5

Psalm 146:1-10

November 8, 2016. Election Day. This day many (and dare I say most) Americans have dreaded and feared as this country elects its next President of the United States.

To be honest, this election seems very scary and daunting. We wonder what our country will be like in five years and what our nation will stand for when our children grow up. We are seeing corruption in our leadership and injustice in our laws and systems. It seems like so many things are spinning out of control.

However, as believers, we have a hard question to ask ourselves in light of this election and our own futures here on earth: In whom have we placed our trust?

Are we looking to our next president and other country leaders for hope for our futures? Are we looking for help from the government for our own comfort and peace? Or are we placing our hope in the God of Jacob “who executes justice for the oppressed, who gives food to the hungry.” (verse 7).

We will never find salvation in another human, and we won’t even find salvation in a “Christian” nation. Our salvation comes from God alone. Regardless of who is president, God is who sets the captives free, heals the sick, cares for the widow, feeds the poor, justifies the oppressed and brings the wicked to ruin (verses 7-9).

So today we can vote with confidence and tonight we can lay our heads on our pillows in peace knowing that our God is in control of our nation, our children, our homes, and our entire lives. We must continually put our hope in Him. And as we say our prayers before we drift off to sleep, may we pray for God to be King of our hearts and to sovereignly reign over our nation. We pray for the salvation of our leaders and ultimately for God to be glorified, no matter what comes our way. We will respect the leaders of our nation, but we bow only to the one true King of kings.

In God we trust, in God alone.

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall