Maintain, Don't Gain!

TFP Team – the holiday season is already upon us! (Can you believe that?!) That means time with those we love, time to reminisce on memories of the past year, time to set new goals for the New Year ahead, and, most importantly, time to remember the true Reason for the season.

It also is time for many gatherings and parties, and if you’re anything like me, I struggle with eating clean during this “little” window of time called October to January!

There’s a phrase I heard a couple of years ago that has stuck with me during this time of year:  “maintain, don’t gain.” And personally, that’s my goal throughout the holiday season. Yes, we absolutely should celebrate the year we’ve been blessed with and especially Jesus’ goodness throughout these past 12 months (in the good times and in the hard times). However, that doesn’t give us a golden ticket to eat anything and everything in sight over these coming weeks as we find ourselves hopping from holiday party to holiday party. (Christmas and New Year’s really should not be allowed to be this close to each other on the calendar!)

Since the Lord has blessed us with these bodies to carry us throughout the year, let’s make sure we treat them right as we treat ourselves to some festive goodies. Here are some tips going into the holiday season to hopefully help us maintain and not gain this winter:

3 bites. Ever get carried away with desserts? (Can I get an amen?) My new rule is trying three bites of something. It’s enough to taste something and to savor it, but not enough to get carried away and end up with a belly ache.

Eat slowly. Put your fork down in between bites, especially when holding a conversation. (That’s just good manners.) You will digest your food easier and be able to spend more time catching up with loved ones!

Drink water. You’ve heard me say how important hydration is – well, it’s no different during the holidays! Before going to a party, throw back a glass of water, and be surprised at how it can curb your hunger!

Small plates. When I pick up a large plate to place my food on, it’s so much easier to fill and eat the entire plate. If possible, choose a smaller plate and portion out your food accordingly. You’ll feel like you’re eating more food when your smaller plate fills up faster!

As a bonus, I think you’ll also find by using these tips that your workouts will go much smoother by eating the right portions and staying hydrated – and good workouts mean forward progress in your fitness goals!

Our #tfpwritingtheword Scripture reminded us today that nothing is sweeter than knowing our Lord Jesus. So let’s enjoy this holiday season and enjoy the people the Lord has placed around us. We have so much to be grateful for!

“The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.” Psalm 19:9-10

What are your favorite health tips for the holiday season? Let us know by using the hashtag #maintaindontgain on social media!

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall