Friday Conversations: Katie Ferrell

Hi Katie! We are so excited to have you here on The Front Porch! Thanks for joining us! For those who don’t know you, could you take a second and tell us a little about yourself!

Hi everyone! My name is Katie Farrell, and I am the author of Dashing Dish, a healthy recipe website and ministry to help women find their true beauty in Christ. I am a registered nurse from the state of Michigan where I live with my high school sweetheart and husband of six years.

Over the past few years, I have combined my two passions in life: teaching women to find their identity in Christ and ending misconceptions about healthy eating in order to create a ministry and nutrition-based business, Dashing Dish! I truly feel that my purpose in life is to inspire women to get fit and healthy for life, all while enjoying the journey!

Can you tell us how Dashing Dish came to be?

I started Dashing Dish as a side hobby while working full time as a nurse about five years ago. However, despite all my plans, I soon began to realize that God had something different for my life than what I had in mind.

About six months after starting Dashing Dish, I started receiving hundreds of emails from women of all ages, from all around the world. Whether it was about losing unwanted weight or finding freedom in the areas of eating disorders... each woman had her own story.

I started to realize the great responsibility that God had given me with this website and that it was meant to share much more than recipes. I felt the Lord prompting me to share about the freedom and joy that can only be found in Him and to teach women how to find their true beauty in exchange for the ashes of their lives.

After almost one year of praying and seeking the Lord, I made the decision to leave my full-time nursing job to pursue the ministry and business that God has been birthing in my heart through Dashing Dish! It has been such a blessing doing what God has called me to do, and I am truly so excited to wake up each and every day!

A huge part of your ministry was inspired by your journey through disordered eating, a struggle many women face and something you candidly share on your site.  What did the Lord teach you in the process of healing?

The most important lesson I learned during my healing was to not let my image define who I was. It wasn’t until I started to learn that my identity is in Christ alone that I started to have a realization of who I am in Him. He showed me these truths in His Word. I took each scripture as His personal love letter to me! It didn’t take long before I had a true revelation of my identity in Him. I was set free when I let His living Word define me, and I began to replace my old way of thinking with the truth of what He said about me.

Did you have any fears about starting your site and sharing your story?

I have been asked this question a lot, and to be quite honest, I am thankful that I can say that the answer is that I no longer have fear about sharing my story! Because I know that Christ has set me free, it takes the fear away from telling my story. It did take me some time to break free from any feelings of fear at first, but once you know what Jesus has done by making you a new creation, you realize that you can’t run your race looking backwards. I choose now to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith, and I share boldly what He has done for me, because I know that others will be set free because of it.

Congratulations on releasing your first cookbook and devotional! Did you ever think you would be a published author?

Thank you so much! To be honest, I am just amazed at what God has done with Dashing Dish and how He has opened doors for me to be able to write a devotional and cookbook! I consider it such an honor to be able to share the Good News and freedom in Jesus through my devotional, and writing my cookbook was a such a wonderful project to work on and a true expression of my heart!

What did you learn in the process that would help other aspiring writers?

Put God first, be diligent, and be patient!

What advice do you have for women who are looking to get back on track with a healthy lifestyle?

As far as living a healthy lifestyle and wanting a true lifestyle change, I want to encourage you that it can be done! The first step is believing that you can do it! The second is to make goals, and start to pursue them one small step at a time. With the Lord’s help and guidance, all things are possible! He is the best guide of all, and with Him on your side you can do all things!

In addition to that, what has the Lord has taught you in regards to healthy living?

In all things, I have learned that God is about balance. Every time I start to get out of balance in any area of my life, I realize that it is not under God’s control, but mine. As soon as the Lord shows me this, I submit to Him and ask Him to help me get back into balance. I believe that submission to the Lord is an ongoing process throughout our lives, but when we do it, we find true freedom and peace!

From making the transition from nursing to Dashing Dish, what have you learned about pursuing your calling?

I think it is important to remember the reason why we do what we do everyday. Whether you are in a season that you feel like you are being fulfilled in your everyday job, or you feel like some days you are just going through the motions, remember: everything you do, big or small, if done for the Lord, is important and useful in building His Kingdom here on earth! “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,” Colossians 3:23

Any encouraging words or advice you might have for our readers?

Over the years I have found that the most common issue that people face is feeling that they have to “clean up their acts” before they can have a close walk with God. This creates a constant cycle of trying to do and be more, and it leaves us feeling unworthy and far away from God.

The Lord wants nothing more than for us to draw near to Him. (“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you...” James 4:8a) That requires us drawing near to Him first which means running into His loving arms, and allowing Him to meet you right where you are today! Regardless of what you feel or think, His Word is very clear about what He thinks of you.  

“For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”- Zephaniah 3:17

He delights in you, and wants to calm your fear, doubts and insecurities with His love. He loves you so much that He rejoices over you with singing! I want to encourage you to rest in God’s perfect love for you today!

TFP’s Totally Unnecessary but Always Intriguing Lighting Round...

Other than your phone, what are 3 things always in your purse? Lipgloss, stevia packets, gum
Favorite Book at the moment? Girls with Swords by Lisa Bevere
Must have fashion accessory? Cross body purse and flats
Can’t live without skincare/makeup item? Lip gloss of some kind
Favorite food? Dashing Dish protein shakes!
Favorite place to visit/vacation? St. John, where my husband and I took our honeymoon
Your order at Starbucks? Decaf Americano
Something on your Bucket List? Go to Hawaii
Favorite album/song right now? Never See the End by Amanda Cook
If you were a nail polish color, what would you be? Light pink



  1. Thanks for sharing Katie! I love hearing everyones stories of how God has brought them through the difficult times, it gives hope to so many others who feel lost and afraid. We should all be more vulnerable with the not so pretty parts of our past, because God intervenes and makes us even more beautiful and loved!

  2. Katie really touched my heart, she is real and I love hearing about young women listening to God's calling and do something what seems against the worlds view to follow God. And as always He is faithful!?? I'll be following her as well. Thank you Katie and Thank you Danielle!!

  3. Katie really touched my heart, she is real and I love hearing about young women listening to God's calling and do something what seems against the worlds view to follow God. And as always He is faithful!?? I'll be following her as well. Thank you Katie and Thank you Danielle!!


© The Front Porch
Maira Gall