Grab a Good Book: Thanksgiving Study

“Our world reels unless we rejoice. A song of thanks steadies everything. The answer to anxiety is the adoration of Christ.” Ann Voskamp

I think it is safe to say we all LOVE the holiday season. Everyone seems to get a little more joyful once November rolls around. I have found one of the best ways to get the most out of the holidays is to do a Bible study relating to it. Since the Thanksgiving holiday and the focus on gratitude go hand-in-hand, I wanted to recommend one of my all-time favorite reads relating to thankfulness and joy. What's interesting about this book is that it doesn't reference Thanksgiving at all. This is because it's written with the purpose of inspiring a lifestyle of gratefulness. We are called to be thankful people (1 Thessalonians 5:18) regardless of what day it is or what holiday is coming up. However, what better time to learn about the importance of a grateful heart than this time of year?

One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp revolutionized the way I think about my life, my situations, and my attitude towards all things. I promise you will not regret this read - this book is incredible.

To buy the book, click here or try the devotional format here!

Have you read this book? Share your favorite truths from One Thousand Gifts below!

*Book photo courtesy of Elisabeth Huijskens. Check out her blog here

1 comment

  1. Just bought that book last week. Thank YOU TFP for sharing Christ on this blog! It has been a real blessing to me as I'm sure it has to many more out there!


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Maira Gall