Let's Dance!

Today Tour de Fitness is headed to swing dancing class! There is a Swing Dance Association (funnest association ever) in my town, and I bet there is a group of some sort in your city as well. Although my class is located on a university campus, everyone is welcome. On Wednesday nights students and adults alike lace up their dancing shoes to either take beginner, intermediate or progressive level classes. It feels like stepping straight into a movie scene from the 20’s and it’s so much fun.

My two left feet and I started out in the beginner level, then after 3 or 4 classes, I felt comfortable enough to move up to the intermediate level. A few more intermediate classes and I danced myself right into the progressive lessons!

Here’s what to expect in your first beginner class: learning simple movement patterns that make up the foundation of swing dancing. The main basic we learned was how to be “light on our feet,” which essentially means moving from foot to foot, shifting weight, and letting our bodies move our feet with ease. We also learned fun movements like triple steps and rock steps.

Typically, the lessons last 30-45 minutes, which gives you plenty of time to get the new steps and movements down pat. Then the fun starts! All 3 classes come together on the dance floor and anyone can ask anyone to dance and practice their new moves!

Dancing with everyone after the lesson is my favorite part because you get to put everything you just learned to practice while learning from others that you are dancing with. Plus, you get to watch some pretty incredible dancers who have been “swinging” for years!

My favorite thing about swing dancing, though, is getting to meet new people. By being open to dancing with anyone, you can make new friends in a fun and unique environment. Beyond that, as followers of Christ, we are called to be prepared to share Jesus with anyone, anywhere so, who knows, you may have the privilege to share your faith or encourage someone in Christ who may never have been to church.

My class is only $2 for beginners and intermediates, and $5 for progressive classes - which is a steal for the instruction that you get! Don’t be afraid to try something new, although I felt I had a rough start to swing dancing, I stuck with it and caught on after a few weeks.

If you’re interested in swing dancing but not sure where to start, just Google a class in your area, grab a few friends and try it out! It’s a great workout, you can burn up to 400 calories in an hour! The great thing is, though, you’ll be having so much fun that you will actually enjoy the cardio burn (take that boring ol' elliptical)!

Exercise has numerous benefits, and our body is the temple of the Lord (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), so it is important to make the discipline of exercise a priority! Most people take a break from being health-conscious during the holiday season, but I challenge you to make sure you stay active. Your workout doesn’t have to be boring, you can find something active that you love. Who knows, that might just be swing dancing!

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall