Look up

“Be exalted about the heavens, O God; Let Your glory be above all the earth.” Psalm 57:11

There is so much beauty in the sky.  More often than I should, I fail to stop and be wooed by the Creator and the pictures He paints continually across the canvas of our skies.  He displays His artwork in so many brilliant ways, each one different from the one before. Clouds, rainbows, storms, sunsets, stars, the earth's moon, sunrises, meteor showers, lightning, galaxies... 

From the ocean and all the beautiful life in the sea, to the palm trees and the 360 degree views of the Caribbean Sea from the top of the bluff, the views and beauty of living on an island are continually breathtaking. We still aren't used to the beauty around us. A few nights ago my husband & I came home late and were stopped in our tracks when we saw with clarity the depth of the constellations in the clear, dark sky.  My husband, TC, ran and grabbed his camera and started taking some pictures from our deck. Me? I just stood and stared. For a long time. 

Below is one of my favorites from the pictures that TC took. If God's creation is this beautiful, imagine what heaven will be like. Imagine what He is like.  

A few weeks ago, TC & I stopped by the post office. While we were there we talked with the postal worker for a bit, her name was Starry. When we were walking out she said, “If you ever forget my name, just look up.”

Do you every wonder how often creation is screaming the same thing to you and me? If you ever forget Him, ever wonder if He is there, just look up. 

Is there an area in your life that you are forgetting that God is still in control of? Have you felt pressed down lately? Raise Your head and look to our King and His glorious beauty. He is where our help comes from (Psalm 121:1-2), His presence is the fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11), and He is not only in the beautiful sky (Psalm 19:1), but He is with us, for us and in us (Isaiah 41:10). 

“Lift up your heads, O gates. And lift them up, O ancient doors, That the King of glory may come in!” Psalm 24:9

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*This post was originally written and posted to Danielle's personal blog in July 2014

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Maira Gall