Let's Bake with Maggie Cakes

I’m so excited to be here sharing some of my favorite recipes and baking tips with you. I’ve loved baking and being in the kitchen for as long as I can remember. I have such sweet memories of my Gran teaching me to make her pound cake, my Nana showing me how to create her “Cherry Wink cookies”, and my mom graciously letting me experiment and make messes in her kitchen. (Thanks, Mom!)

For those that don't know me, My name is Maggie, and I am a newlywed raised in good ol' Walland, Tennessee, and working as a home economics teacher by day. Recently, I decided to take a leap of faith and try something I've wanted to do for a while -- start my own baking business, Maggie Cakes. (You can check out my cakes here!)

I recently had a friend tell me that something on her bucket list was to bake a cake. She said that going totally homemade intimidated her, but she wanted more than just a box mix. I loved that this is on her bucket list, and I had a great solution for her. One of my go-to recipes for a simple cake starts with a box of cake mix, but you add a few extra ingredients to make it taste totally homemade. I chose to share the chocolate version of this recipe with you all today because it’s such a baking staple. (And who doesn’t need a little chocolate in now and then?) The good news is, though, you can use this recipe for any flavor by switching up the cake mix and pudding flavors!

Doctored-Up Chocolate Cake Box Mix
1 box chocolate cake mix
1 package chocolate pudding
¾ cup sour cream
¾ cup vegetable oil
½ cup water
3 large eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla

1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Grease two 8-inch cake pans with nonstick cooking spray or, for cupcakes, line a muffin tin with cupcake liners. (If you are using the cake pans, read my first Baking Tip below!)

2. Place all of the ingredients in a large bowl together. Get to mixing using either a stand mixer or a handheld mixer. You will need to mix for 2 minutes. Don’t skimp on this step -- you want that silky smooth batter!

3. If you’re making cupcakes, use an ice cream scoop, or fill each liner with 3 tablespoons of batter. If you are using 2 cake pans, evenly distribute the batter between the two. The batter will be fairly thick so you can use a knife or rubber scraper to spread it out.

4. Bake in the preheated oven. Cupcakes: 18-22 minutes // 8-inch cake pans: 33-35 minutes. The cake(s) is/are done when you lightly touch the top and it/they spring(s) back.

Remove from oven. Cool for 5 minutes (no longer!). Remove cupcakes/cake, and let cool on a cooling rack.

Baking Tip #1
Good news: this tip will prevent you from ever having a cake stick to the pan again! All you will need is your cake pan and some parchment paper.

Set your cake pan on a piece of parchment paper. Using a pencil, trace the bottom of your cake pan onto the parchment paper. Cut out the circle, just inside the line, so that you aren’t baking pencil lead into your cake! Place the circle of parchment paper in your cake pan, and grease the side of the pan with cooking spray, and pour in your cake batter. When the cake has baked and been removed from the pans simply remove the parchment paper. You will have a beautiful cake that’s completely intact!

Baking Tip #2
When you have filled your cake pans or muffins tins with cake batter, take the pan and tap it firmly on your kitchen counter 3-4 times. Doing this will help remove the air bubbles in the batter that might cause your cake to fall while baking.

Baking Tip #3
Please, I beg of you, do not open the oven door while your cake is baking! I know it is tempting because the cake smells so wonderful and is starting to rise, but resist the temptation. Opening the oven door means the heat will fluctuate and could cause your pretty cake to look like a sunken crater in the middle.

So there you have it -- a simple recipe and great tips to a delicious classic. And I hope this inspires you to go bake a beautiful cake, too! I think one of the best parts about baking is the sharing. I love to bake for friends and family and enjoy sweet fellowship over something yummy. And now you can give it a try!

Happy Baking!

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Maira Gall