The Marathon

There were 4.5 months of training that led to that big, pink “START” sign hanging above my head as my whole body shivered in the t-shirt I had designed for one of the most meaningful days of my life. It was a little overwhelming to think about all the time, energy, money - and quite literally - blood, sweat and tears, that went into that moment.

So as I stood there with adrenaline pumping through my veins, me and Jesus had a lot to celebrate. I had committed this race to Him long before I started training and we had come pretty far together over those 4.5 months. (562 miles to be exact – from October 1st to February 14th.) I had a lump in my throat as the National Anthem was sung, and when the gun went off and pink confetti flew in the air, the feeling as I started my fitness tracker and took my first step was almost surreal.

The race started and, to be honest, there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary about the first 10 miles, other than trying to calm my nerves down so that I wouldn’t start out too fast. There was a ton of support along the streets, and by around mile 4 I was running along the beach looking up at the most beautiful day.

Somewhere between mile 10 and 11, I saw my first familiar face screaming my name as I passed by, extra blue Gatorade in hand ready to refill my water belt and cheer me on for about half a mile. A close friend came with me to Jacksonville and rode a shuttle along the way to see me at this stop. I greeted her with a smile and was able to talk a little bit before she turned around to head back to the bus and go to the next stop.

At mile 18, it was a different story. My quads were starting to get tired and I was starting to feel the effects of going about 15-20 seconds per mile faster than my coach told me to (sorry, Robin!). I saw my friend again and she cheered for me and gave me a high five. She asked how I was doing. “Tired,” I said, “just talk to me. I can’t say much.”

Between mile 24 and 25, my friend sent me a photo message of the finish line. Almost instantaneously, I could also see the finish line in the distance. I continued climbing up the bridge, and since I was running in a race against breast cancer in honor of my Mom, I got way more emotional than I had anticipated (let me tell you – running, drinking water and crying is NOT a good combination).  On the bridge they had inspirational signs posted. Amongst these were other posters of women who had beaten breast cancer. And, as soon as I pulled myself together from seeing a sign I had written on the day prior at the expo, a survivor passed me wearing a t-shirt that had the day she “finished” breast cancer on the back. So.many.emotions. I was a wreck.

I realized I had saved one of my favorite worship songs for this point in my race. I saved it because I wanted to listen to it while I was gazing out over the most beautiful view of Jacksonville. I turned it on as I ran down the other side of the bridge and I got overwhelmed as the song reached its bridge… “He who was and is to come is the One who lives in us. The Great I Am, Yaweh.”

The Lord used those timely words to carry me to the 26-mile marker and eventually to the finish line. God quickly reminded me exactly who it was giving me the strength and grit to persevere and finish in the first place. I saw mile 26 and looked up and saw the finish time clock. I gunned it and was able to finish with a good stride and a smile on my face. As soon as I crossed the finish line and stopped my watch, it was all worth it. 4 hours, 24 minutes and 37 seconds. The Lord had given me the opportunity to do something I didn’t know if I would ever quite have the guts to do. And as the woman put the medal around my neck, I don’t think she had any idea the significance of that moment.

I will never cross the finish line of my first marathon ever again. It was simply me and Jesus in that race. And it is a memory I will never forget. 

My encouragement to you is this: stop staring at your bucket list and check something off this year. 

Is there a goal, dream or desire that the Lord has placed on your heart? Is there a comfort zone He is wanting to take You out of? Is there a hobby or activity you want to begin so You can share Jesus with a whole new group of people? Ask Him to give you the courage to begin something You know he has asked you to do. Then commit Your ways to Him, soak it in and go there with Jesus, then make memories with Him that will last a lifetime. 

What is a bucket list item or dream you want to start working on? Comment below and let us know! 

To read Rebecca’s full marathon post and the story that lead up to her race, click here!

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Maira Gall