What Makes A Miracle

There were so many times as a young girl that I would pray to see a miracle. Having only heard about the miracles Jesus performed in the Bible, but never actually knowing what a true miracle in my own life was, I wanted to see one so much. As a child, I can remember wanting to see an angel or to receive a special toy at Christmas. Throughout high school and college I would pray for “miracles” such as passing a test I didn’t study for or that a certain guy would ask me out.

Obviously I had no idea what I was truly praying for because I had no idea what a miracle actually is. I’ve since learned a miracle by definition is an act of God, amazing event or a marvelous example.

As an adult, I feel like I can finally say I’ve witnessed true miracles. I have seen medical miracles, like when my daddy’s heart was repaired or when he was healed of his cancer. I have also been a witness to those miracles of the heart and spirit like seeing my students graduate high school despite great physical, mental and emotional odds. However, although I saw many miracles around me, I don’t think I have ever actually been in a true miracle...until now.

Eight weeks ago Jesus brought two little boys to my house to live with me. The first night they were sad, scared, alone, fearful, crying, hiding, shy, angry, aggressive, and confused. I am not sure any of the three of us slept or ate the first night, but God was starting something unexplainable. The second night I attempted storytime, and I thought beginning with a Bible story would be best. Both boys (brothers at ages two and four) couldn’t and wouldn’t sit still long enough to look at even one page of a book. The oldest brother even screamed that he hated Jesus and was scared of Him. I felt I was in for a long, hard road in my journey of foster parenting and I wasn't even sure where to begin, but Jesus was already working in the hearts of these precious boys in His wonderful power.

Now, eight weeks later, big brother recites the story of Jesus dying on the cross as I read it to him from The Jesus Storybook Bible and says with excitement, “I love Jesus, and He is my friend." Little brother will clasp his hands together in prayer and say, “Thank you, Jesus! AMEN!” before bed and every meal. Eight weeks ago, big brother had no clue what a letter or number was and now he sings his ABC’s all day and can write his name! Little one has changed his self-harming, aggressive behaviors into hugs and kisses and his “no” to “yes ma’am”. Love has increased and hate has decreased. Now, that's a miracle.

These two little boys have been through more than I know and more than I am willing to share as I have been given the task of protecting them. But trust me when I say this… our Jesus still preforms miracles. This miracle I am in has been a long time coming and a steep, winding, narrow, tear-filled path to get here. What took me so long to see that Jesus had opportunities for miracles right before my very eyes?

Maybe we don’t see “miracles” anymore because we aren’t looking in the right places. We tend to look for miracles in the form of big, flashy events or experiences. We pray for miracles for our own gain (things we really want) or in desperation (things we really need). Maybe Jesus calls us to look for His miracles in the hard places, messy situations or the broken people -- the people whom the world has deemed unfit, unruly or difficult. Interestingly enough, those are the ones God uses to work miracles through in the Bible and even still today.

This journey I’m on with these beautiful little boys is full of miracles already, and the best part is that it isn’t over yet. I’m still watching my Jesus continue to work out His miracles in their hearts and mine every day.

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” Mark 10:27

This song has been my prayer over the lives of these sweet boys, and what once seemed like a hopeless situation, the Lord has already redeemed in many ways. My prayer, too, is that this song will wash fresh hope over you and that the Lord will open your eyes to His astonishing real life miracles, happening today.

I see shattered
You see whole
I see broken
You see beautiful
And You're helping me to believe
You're restoring me piece by piece

There's nothing too dirty
that You can't make worthy
You wash me in mercy

I am clean
There's nothing too dirty
 that You can't make worthy
You wash me in mercy
I am clean

What was dead now 
lives again
My heart's beating, 
beating inside my chest
Oh, I'm coming alive with joy and destiny
You're restoring me piece by piece

Washed in the blood of Your sacrifice
Your blood flowed red and made me white
My dirty rags are purified

I am clean

1 comment

  1. I love keeping up with your fostering journey. I hope someday you can share your story in it's entirety. I am amazed at your strength and courage. It takes me back to 1986 when I suddenly became a mom to a 21 month old and a 4 year old, both badly neglected and sexually abused. My heart is with you and my prayers Jennifer.


© The Front Porch
Maira Gall