Writing the Word: James

"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." James 1:22

It's July and #tfpwritingtheword is going strong! 

Whether you have been writing with us from the start, or if you want to begin today, we would love for you to join us as we write the entire book of James! 

5 chapters; 108 verses and so much wisdom to gain, here we go!

July 1 - James 1:1-4

 July 2 - James 1:5-8

 July 3 - James 1:9-11

 July 4 - James 1:12-13

 July 5 - James 1:14-15

 July 6- James 1:16-18

 July 7 - James 1:19-21

 July 8 - James 1:22-25

 July 9 - James 1:26-27

 July 10 - James 2:1-4

 July 11 - James 2:5-7

 July 12 - James 2:8-11

 July 13 - James 2:12-13

 July 14 - James 2:14-17

 July 15 - James 2:18-19

 July 16 - James 2:20-24

 July 17 - James 2:25-26

 July 18 - James 3:1-2

 July 19 - James 3:3-8

 July 20 - James 3:9-12

 July 21 - James 3:13-18

 July 22 - James 4:1-3

 July 23 - James 4:4-6

 July 24 - James 4:7-10

 July 25 - James 4:11-12

 July 26 - James 4:13-17

 July 27 - James 5:1-6

 July 28 - James 5:7-9

 July 29 - James 5:10-12

 July 30 - James 5:13-16

 July 31 - James 5:17-20

We have been blown away by the amount of women who are writing with us as we make it a daily discipline to meditate upon Scripture. Thank you for sharing this journey with us! 

Are you writing the Word? If so, comment below and let us know! 

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall