Called to Wait

Don’t we all just love to wait? Waiting in line...waiting in traffic...waiting on God. It’s fun, isn’t it?

No. No, it’s not. It’s miserable, actually.

My true character comes out when I find myself in situations where waiting is required, and impatience, unkind words, doubt and fear all seem to find their way to the surface. Recently, I've been studying and teaching through the patriarchs of the Old Testament, and I'm convinced these men endured some of the toughest times of waiting.

Abraham's story is filled with many twists, turns and tests of patience. It is absolutely chock-full of waiting -- waiting on God to speak, waiting on his wife, Sarah (originally called "Sarai") to get pregnant, and waiting on God to fulfill His promise. So. Much. Waiting. God didn’t exempt him from the pain of uncertainty, and I daresay He won’t exempt you either. However, we can rest assured that He does have a purpose in this waiting- and we can find it in Abraham’s story.

In Genesis 12, we find God first calling Abraham (originally called “Abram”) to follow Him to a new land (that he hasn’t yet been to) and promising to make him into a great nation (that doesn’t yet exist). So Abraham went. He was 75 years old and childless, but trusting nonetheless. Fast forward a few years to Genesis 15:1-6 where God once again promises Abraham in a vision to protect him and bless him. But in all his frustration and humanity, Abraham asked God what good are all those promises without a son. Abraham suggested using his servant as his heir, but God firmly said no, reassuring him that he will receive a son, an heir of his “own flesh and blood” -- just the beginning of an offspring guaranteed by God to be as numerous as the stars in the sky.

So, back to more waiting.

The Lord clearly promised Abraham and Sarah a son, but month after month, year after year (ten to be exact), she still wasn’t pregnant. Can you feel their confusion and disappointment? I know I can. In Genesis 16, Sarah finally lost her patience and decided to make her own plans. I can almost hear the conversation happening in my head...

“Abraham, it’s been TEN YEARS. God is not going to fulfill His promise through me. Use my servant. At least then we can have an heir through her.”

Abraham’s response? “No, Sarah! God has promised us, and He will be faithful!”

Unfortunately, that was not what came out of Abraham’s mouth. Instead, he agreed to Sarah’s plan and slept with her handmaiden, Hagar (whom apparently got pregnant from the first try...fertile much?!). Can you imagine what the heart of God must have been feeling in these moments?

“Wait, Abraham. I will be faithful. The promise is almost here. Why are you choosing to go about this in your own way?”

But a detour was taken, and Ishmael was born to Hagar.

Abraham believed his interference in God’s plan was a sufficient solution to this yet-to-be-fulfilled promise for an heir. However, in Genesis 17:15-22, and again in Genesis 18:1-15, God reassured him that it is through Sarah that He will establish this covenant to make Abraham a father to a great nation. But all this waiting has produced doubt, fear and faithlessness in both Abraham and Sarah, so much so that they literally laugh (not once, but twice!) in response to the Lord’s words.

God answers them with a question: “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Will I really have a child, now that I am old?’ Is anything too hard for the Lord?”

Yet in His grace and mercy He adds, “I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son.”

Despite persistent doubting, wavering faith and even selfish detours, Abraham and Sarah’s long wait for this promised heir was about to end, and it would set the course for the rest of God’s plan and people.

God was building a nation from Abraham -- nation that would need to trust Him in times of waiting, in times of famine and in times of hardship and loss. Abraham’s waiting was so much bigger than his circumstances. I believe we can carry this in our own times of waiting. Do you know that God cares more about your faith in His Word and promises than He does about anything else? He will use every relationship, every circumstance, every hardship, dream and desire in your life to grow your faith. Every little thing. The Lord blessed Sarah with a phenomenal legacy, but imagine how much greater it would have been if she had remained patient? What if she had trusted without boundaries in the God who spoke to her?

In your times of waiting, trust in His perfect timing and know that He wants to display His glory in the moment of fulfillment. He wants people to look at your circumstance and see Him as He does what only He can do. Abraham and Sarah were chosen to wait so that every generation from then until now would know that only the Lord could fulfill the covenant He made with Abraham. God alone built a nation of people to call His own through which His Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ, would come.

So be encouraged, sisters -- there is hope in your waiting! He is a faithful God who will bring forth His own beautiful plans in your seemingly-impossible circumstances. He is not wasting one single minute. He loves you so.

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall