She is Hydrated

We all know the importance of water. We need it to drink and for cleansing, we need rain to replenish our land, and we need the ocean for free therapy because life can be just flat out tough.

Water cut the Grand Canyon, water can power electricity, and water can make everything grow. In fact, there is no living being on earth that does not need water. If you are alive, water is imperative for you to survive.

With that in mind, let’s dive into a topic we’ve brushed the surface of in the last couple posts – hydration! I would argue that hydration, especially in the warmer months (May through October-ish) is one of the most important components of your nutritional journey.


When we are dehydrated, several things happen to our bodies -- we lose energy, can get nauseous very easily, our workouts are not productive, and our skin gets dry. Hopefully, one of these side effects is a good motivator for you to grab that bottle of water before leaving the house in the morning!

Here’s a few tips to manage your hydration level throughout the day:

  • Throw in some flavor! If you’re like me, sometimes I have to shake up what I drink and water doesn’t always cut it. There are so many options to infuse our water that we could never possibly get bored! Try adding your favorite fruit, citrus or herb!

  • Try electrolyte tablets. Want a little extra “something something” in your water for your tough workout but Gatorade isn’t your thing? Try Nuun tablets! These are electrolyte tablets that dissolve straight into your water, replenishing those electrolytes you lose during exercise. (Some even contain caffeine to keep your energy up!) They come in several yummy flavors, and I often use them during long runs on the weekends. Give 'em a try!

  • Ice, ice baby! So you push through the summer heat for a run, take a shower and still CANNOT cool down. Why is that? When we expose ourselves to extreme heat, it can take a long time for our bodies to cool down and our metabolisms to chill out. When that happens, try drinking a glass of ice water -- it will help you re-hydrate and regulate your core temperature.

  • Always have that H2O with you! Choosing to keep a water bottle with me as much as possible makes such a difference in my hydration level. Days that I drink only during meals, I feel very sluggish and dehydrated. However, when I'm consistently carrying a refillable glass bottle with me throughout the day, I'm almost subconsciously reminding myself to keep hydrated. It's such a simple and helpful trick!

As we keep pushing forward with our end-of-summer workouts, let hydration be the secret weapon for our energy during the day and in the gym!

And as we go about the rest of our days, let’s remember that there is only one true Living Water that can satisfy. It is only through Christ that our souls’ deepest thirsts can truly be quenched. In John 4:14 (MSG) Jesus says, “Anyone who drinks the water I give will never thirst -- not ever. The water I give will be an artesian spring within, gushing fountains of endless life.”

Drink that in for just a minute. Artesian spring… gushing fountains of endless life… What could be better?

Soak up that Living Water our Lord and Savior so freely pours out. Only He can truly sustain.

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall