Valuing the Gospel Over Everything Else

As many of you may know, here at TFP we do something we like to call Writing the Word where we walk through writing out a specific book of the Bible or theme in scripture each month. Last August, we wrote Philippians, a book with very familiar passages and often-quoted verses. However, as I wrote through Philippians, I came across a less familiar passage, and God used it in my life in a mighty way.

"I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ. And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear." Philippians 1:12-14

Paul, who is in prison, is writing to his brothers and sisters in Christ who live in Philippi. He tells them that his imprisonment “has really served to advance the gospel,” explaining that the gospel had been spread throughout the imperial guard and that fellow Christians had become more bold and confident to speak the truth and share the gospel without fear.

What struck me most about this passage at first was Paul’s attitude and perspective. He was imprisoned for preaching the gospel and yet he was not deterred from his objective to share Christ. Instead of sitting in his cell and sulking over the fact that he couldn’t share with the people in the city streets, he decided to just share the gospel with whoever was in earshot of him. There’s no record of Paul questioning God, wondering what He was doing confining him to a cell when people needed to hear the gospel. He just kept sharing with whomever was placed in front of him. He used what he had and shared the story of Jesus with anyone he could. And two things happened through his continued obedience: the whole imperial guard heard about Christ (something that wouldn’t have happened had Paul not been behind bars) and other followers of Jesus were encouraged to boldly share their faith when they saw what Paul was doing from inside a prison cell.

Though it would have been so easy to give in and give up, but regardless of his earthly predicament, he continued his mission, sharing the truth of Christ no matter where he was. This caused me to ask myself a few questions:

Am I more concerned about advancing the gospel than I am about my own well-being?

Am I allowing my circumstances to be used for the sake of the gospel or am I choosing to feel sorry for myself when things aren't what I want or expected?

Yes, I have my struggles -- things that are unpleasant, painful and that I wish were different. The problem arises when I become so caught up in questioning God in these trying times that I miss the opportunities I'm given not only to grow but to share the love and hope of Christ through them.

If I’m honest, it’s often a struggle to overcome life and put the gospel first. But when my eyes are fixed on Jesus, and I look at my life and circumstances from an eternal perspective, the reality is that God simply calls us to advance the gospel and trust Him with all the other details. His plan is much greater than mine or yours or Paul’s, and God wants to reach far more people than we can imagine. So, my prayer has become that I would value the gospel over everything else, because when we value the gospel over everything else, everything else pales in comparison.

What is one circumstance you’ve been asking God to change that He may be wanting to use to advance the gospel in a way you never dreamed?

- Lord, may we have the attitude and perspective of surrender in everything, allowing You to use us to advance the gospel however You see fit. May we truly value the gospel over everything else. In Jesus’ name, amen. - 

Also, if you’re interested in Writing the Word with us, check out the “Writing Scripture” link on our webpage.

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall