Writing the Word: May

Even well after a year of writing the Word, we still get pumped diving into a brand new month of Scripture one day at a time with y’all!

Most of our Scripture plans in the past have been either application-driven (do's and don't's and how-to's) in the New Testament or bold prayers of praise and worship in the Psalms.

This month will be a little different.

We want to step into the story of Ruth, a godly woman who chose to remain faithful when she could have chosen to walk away. Ruth's life was simple, quiet, normal. Then tragedy struck in the loss of her husband. Yet, Ruth clung to her God and allowed Him to guide each of her steps. She put in the work of obedience and God showed up big time.

While we don’t see practical verses in this story, it is still so very evident that God’s sovereign hand is guiding Ruth, Boaz and Naomi. He was there all along, orchestrating like only He can. I think the same thing can be said about God's faithfulness in our own lives -- Ruth's story is our story. It’s the story of how only our Savior can take a hopeless situation and fully redeem it beyond our wildest dreams.

This month as you are writing, take the time to press in close and look for God on these pages. Look at the ways He was preparing, guiding and protecting the real people who walked this road and lived this story. And as you close your Bible after writing these scriptures to go about your day, keep looking for God. Search for Him and His hand. You’ll be amazed and how He is directing your steps too, one day at a time.

Happy Writing, neighbors! This is going to be good!

May 1 - Ruth 1:1-2
May 2 - Ruth 1:3-5
May 3 - Ruth 1:6-9
May 4 - Ruth 1:10-13
May 5 - Ruth 1:14-18
May 6 - Rest Day
May 7 - Ruth 1:19-21
May 8 - Ruth 1:22
May 9 - Ruth 2:1-3
May 10 - Ruth 2:4-7
May 11 - Ruth 2:8-9
May 12 - Ruth 2:10-12
May 13 - Rest Day
May 14 - Ruth 2:13-14
May 15 - Ruth 2:15-16
May 16 - Ruth 2:17-19
May 17 - Ruth 2:20-23
May 18 - Ruth 3:1-2
May 19 - Ruth 3:3-6
May 20 - Rest Day
May 21 - Ruth 3:7-10
May 22 - Ruth 3:11-14
May 23 - Ruth 3:15-18
May 24 - Ruth 4:1-2
May 25 - Ruth 4:3-6
May 26 - Ruth 4:7-10
May 27 - Rest Day
May 28 - Ruth 4:11-12
May 29 - Ruth 4:13-15
May 30 - Ruth 4:16-17
May 31 - Ruth 4:18-22

If you are interested in studying more of Ruth while you write, check out this study by Kelly Minter or this one at She Reads Truth’s website!

And, as always, let us know you’re writing along with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram by using the hashtag, #tfpwritingtheword!

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall