Interview with Bethany Barnard

Though some may know her as Bethany Dillon, singer-songwriter Bethany Barnard is a successful recording artist, nominated for multiple Dove awards and earning the highest selling female solo debut in 2004 for her self-titled debut album.

After marrying fellow worship leader Shane Barnard (one half of the duo Shane & Shane), Beth took some time away from recording and touring to be a wife and lead worship in their church, becoming a mother to three daughters along the way. Now, she's back with new music in her highly-anticipated LP, A Better Word, and we're lovin' it! (You can check it out here!)

Beth took some time to chat with TFP about her life as a mom, the stories behind her new songs, and to share her heart on what ministry and community look like for her in this season of life. This interview is full of wisdom and encouragement -- you'll love it. 

Happy reading, yall! 

Hi, Beth! Welcome to The Front Porch!

Most of us know you from hearing your beautiful voice on Christian radio for years, but you’ve been on a musical hiatus for quite some time now. What have you been up to?

Shane and I got married when I was beginning my sixth year of doing music full-time. About a year into the both of us continuing our busy lives as artists, I felt like it was time for me to put down roots where we were, be able to travel with Shane, and to figure out what it meant to stay put in one place. Soon after deciding that, we found out we were pregnant with our first child!

That was almost 8 years ago… our oldest, Lucy, will turn seven this June. After her came two more daughters: Haven, 4, and Ruby, 2. Our youngest was added to our family through adoption, which was quite an adventure!

It looks different per family and per mama, but I have felt a ton of peace in my calling towards being a stay at home mom. It is not for the faint of heart, but there are also so many rewards in it that constantly surprise me.

So, that’s what I’ve been doing! Having babies, adopting babies, learning how to love my husband, traveling with him some, leading worship at our local church, and learning what it means to live in community with other believers.

Congratulations on your new album, A Better Word! It has been on repeat for me. It’s such a wonderful collection of worship music, so full of the Word and rich Truth. Tell us a little bit about it -- what inspired these songs and what made you decide to put together a new album now?

I have been writing here and there, for sure… but, honestly, I was (and still am a bit) struggling with what to do about it -- “it” being music within the context of normal, busy life.  I feel so strongly about being present for my girls, and yet, I know that I can quickly turn serving them and my husband into an idol -- something I begin to care far more about, and get my worth from, more than Jesus.

I was lovingly confronted in that by a dear friend who came to visit me last summer! She has known me for a long time (since junior high) and just asked if I felt like avoiding writing was a good thing. She encouraged me to look at ALL the gifts He’s given -- kids, house, community, music -- and to be a faithful steward unto Jesus in all of them. And as our conversation continued, I realized I hadn’t necessarily been neglecting writing and singing because of some big spiritual reason; it was more because I wasn’t seeing it correctly. Once I started to process out loud with Shane, through community, and in prayer, I realized that songwriting -- although not the primary thing in my life right now -- is a means through which I can serve the Body and point [others] to Jesus, and also be blessed myself in making time for something I love! From there, I started to schedule songwriting time, and the Lord truly met me and gave far above what I was expecting!

You made music under a record label for years. What were the differences in doing this independently? How did you see the Lord’s provision in what others would view as an obstacle?

Biggest differences: the freedom to go at your own pace and to make your own decisions about musicians/songs/overall tone of the project. I’m super grateful for the years of making records signed to a label, because that is how I learned the process and also figured out what makes me tick and what I feel the strongest about in crafting a song and then communicating it through production.

But now, being an independent artist, it’s a lot more freeing of a process because I don’t have time constraints or even expectations of WHAT I should do -- I just get to share the songs that I have, the way that feels truest to the message. And my husband is my producer to boot!

As a songwriter myself, I know there is often a story behind a song. What’s one of your favorite stories that turned into a song for A Better Word?

Oooh, that’s a hard one. I’d say one of the sweetest experiences of writing was for the song “My Soul Waits”. It was the last song to be written for the record and wasn’t even on the list of songs to do the week of recording. It just spilled out one morning after a good cry and feeling completely overwhelmed and helpless. Most of these songs happened during a big desert in my spiritual life. “My Soul Waits”  was a really honest, vulnerable time with the Lord that turned into a song. He met me at the piano as I pushed one key over and over and cried and prayed and reminded my soul to hope in Him (Psalm 42).

If people can get one theme or encouraging word out of this new music, what would you want it be?

God is the near to the broken hearted and is accessible in every season because of Jesus.

Amen! I’m sure your family has influenced some of your writing. Tell us a bit about them and how being a mommy affects your music.

Besides marriage, I don’t know another circumstance more sanctifying than being a parent! Whereas with your spouse, you may be irritable or not want to serve them sacrificially, etc., but at least you can have a conversation as peers and meet them at your own level in walking and talking through the hard stuff. With kiddos, that is not the case! I’m called daily to die to myself, my expectations, my schedule, my sleep -- and to most of the time not be thanked for it or considered much, because they’re 6, 4, and 2! What a humbling calling it is.

There is SO much sweetness in it as well. I treasure my days with them and getting to know them as individuals, see their friendships blossom and see their eyes being opened to the truth of Jesus. Which leads me to songwriting -- I’d say the biggest effect being a mommy has had on writing songs has been the fresh perspective given through my daughters as they learn about God. Or even, as they live out a parable of trust, rest, joy, or freedom in their every day and in their relating to Daddy and me. It deepens my own thought processes and beliefs about those things to watch them navigate through life with childlike hearts.

You’re married to Shane Barnard, one half of the duo Shane & Shane. What does a normal day-in-the-life look like for you and your family while you are both active artists and traveling musicians?

Not to disappoint you, but it looks pretty darn normal! Shane does travel still, but not nearly as much as when we first were married. He travels maybe one weekend a month, but otherwise, he’s leading regularly at our local church, and then is working at their studio on The Worship Initiative ( the rest of the time. For me, I hardly do anything with music as far as a time commitment … the normal things for me would be leading worship at church. I’ll hop in the studio every now and then to sing on something Shane’s recording too!

Normal days are: breakfast together, homeschool in the morning, gym, lunch, naps, dinner, bedtime routine. Pretty normal… and I love it.

Hey TFP neighbors! That's it for part 1 of our interview with Beth but make sure to check back for part 2 soon! In the meantime make sure you head to Bethany's site to get her new album, hear stories behind her songs and more!

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