What Fault Did You Find In Me?

“This is what the LORD says: ‘What fault did your ancestors find in me, that they strayed so far from me?’” Jeremiah 2:5a

As I read through Scripture and look at the relationship between God and Israel, it often reminds me of a perfect, faithful husband, whom his adulterous wife continually betrays. Still, the faithful husband is always willing to reconcile if his wife will come back to him.

We find this theme appearing once again in the book of Jeremiah, as God warns that He is about to destroy His people because of their continual rebellion. God says in Jeremiah 2:2, “Go and proclaim in the hearing of Jerusalem: ‘This is what the LORD says: "I remember the devotion of your youth, how as a bride you loved me and followed me through the wilderness, through a land not sown.’”

We then see the God who keeps His promises ask Israel this heartbreaking question in verse 5: “What fault did you find in me?”  

God knew He had made no mistake, but the Israelites turned their backs on God as if He had done something wrong to them. They chose to distance themselves and worship other gods who pleased them more. They chose their own ways over God’s perfect law. They chose to love something else more than Him.

Reading this, I was instantly angry with the Israelites for turning their backs on a perfectly, loving God. But if I examine my own heart, am I any different?

When my heart is far from God, or when I am disobedient, it could very well come across as if I have found fault in the Lord; the “fault” being that my sin is more attractive than submission to God’s system, just like the Israelites.

Now we know God is faultless, faithful, and completely perfect (Deuteronomy 32:4), but just like a faithful husband asking his unfaithful wife, “What did I do wrong to make you leave me?”, God asks Israel to identify His fault. The question reveals the reality of His hurt.

The Holy Spirit gently reminded me of some actions in my life that would cause my perfect Groom to ask me the same question He asked the Israelites.

-When I don’t make time to spend with Him.

-When I begin to chase after the “more attractive” things of the world.

-When I forget to pray, distracted by other things that I am more interested in.

-When I ignore what He asks of me.

-When my limited perspective sees His gifts as curses.

-When I forget what I have in Him and what He did for me.

“What fault did you find in me?”

What is it that causes me to stray? Is He not faultless, faithful, and good? Is He not enough?

What about you? Are there any areas in your life that communicate to God that you have found fault in Him? Knowing He is completely faithful and trustworthy, in spite of who we are, do we have any reason to be anything but faithful and gladly obedient?

Lord Jesus, please expose to us the actions we are taking that make it seem like you are not enough. You have no fault. In You is everything we could ever need. You are the true lover of our souls. May we return to You once again. Thank You for Your unconditional, faithful love. It is in Your Name, Jesus, we pray. Amen.

“If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is.” 2 Timothy 2:13 (NLT)

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall