Wonderfully Kind

“Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from sin?”
Romans 2:4

Wonderfully kind. Sometimes I am astounded by God’s favor in my life and how nice He is to me. He doesn’t have to be, yet He is.

He didn’t have to make the world in color or give us the amazing gift of laughter. He didn’t have to make music so wonderful, and He certainly didn’t have to give someone the genius idea to invent chocolate lava cake, but (hallelujah) He did.

Most importantly, God didn’t have to send His perfect Son to die a criminal’s death in exchange for our rebellious souls, but, again - He did. Most of us are so accustomed to hearing that truth. Let it sink in afresh. The most paramount being ever created died...for you. Wonderfully kind.

However, for many of us (including myself), we have become so accustomed to His blessings that we don’t even realize how good we have it. We forget about His constant kindness manifesting itself in millions of ways, every minute of every day.

We view God’s protection and provision as standard or ordinary. We forget the extravagance of His gifts, big or small. We forget how amazing salvation truly is. We forget every good thing is a gift straight from the heart of our Father (James 1:17).

This kindness was never meant to lead us to entitlement, or complacency. His kindness was meant to lead us to repentance, to more reliance on Him, more gratefulness and more humility as He continually piles gifts upon us that we never have deserved.

When we forget to thank God for His gifts and dismiss His kindness, it causes us to become numb and blinded to what He is telling us, showing us, and teaching us. We have so much more than we ever needed and it is all to point us back to Him.

He is kind because that is His very nature, so instead of expecting these blessings with a heart of entitlement, let’s make sure we are gratefully accepting His blessings as lessons and reminders that direct our sights back on our wonderfully kind Father.

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall