The 26.2 Life

Hello again! I hope your holidays were filled with loads of yummy food, precious family and friends, and time to reflect on the true Reason why we celebrate. Now that the tree is put up and the mantle is cleaned off in anticipation for spring, it’s time to evaluate our fitness goals for 2016, and I’d like to spend today talking about one of mine.

I’m penning this post with a cup of hot tea in my hand after taking a hot bath in Epsom salt. Why Epsom salt, you ask? Well, I’m sore. Seems to be a trend these days. See, I’m training to run a marathon, and I had my second 18-mile run yesterday. My shins, quads, and even the muscles I forgot I had are feeling this one. It’s become a love-hate relationship, me and my long runs. Today is one of those days when… I’m kind of over it.

Yes, I realize that’s not exactly the positive, inspirational attitude booster you would expect as we discuss goals, but I just want to be real here. And if you’ll allow me to do that, I want to share a few things I’ve learned on my quest to the big “26.2” that I hope will encourage you as you pursue your goals this year.

You’re not always going to want to.

There’s a reason it’s called “reaching your goals.” They don’t come to you, and they don’t come easy. I wish I could say I wake up each morning full of energy, singing Eye of the Tiger (clearly my choice of jam, always) while I dance through the kitchen on my way to running practice. But the opposite is usually true, more often than not. Sticking to a goal is tough. Achieving that goal can require even more hard work and perseverance than you initially expect, especially if it’s something brand new to you.

You’ll never regret it if you do it. You’ll always regret it if you don’t.

When I don’t get up before work and get my workout out of the way, or when I decide that indulging in a Sonic milkshake would feel better than training… I ALWAYS regret it. Not one time in all my years of running have I finished a workout and thought, “Man…I really wish I would’ve skipped that!” In fact, I walk away feeling accomplished, motivated and ready to conquer the rest of my day. I find encouragement knowing the benefits outweigh the burdens.

It WILL be worth it at the finish line.

Since I began training for the 26.2 with Donna last October, I have seen a lot of miles, done a lot of stretching and foam rolling, cross-trained, and eaten lots of protein for recovery. There have been days where I laid in bed and asked the Lord why He put it on my heart to set such a tough goal for myself, and, without fail, He reminds me what it will feel like to cross the finish line of my first marathon. (Plus, I can finally get one of those fancy 26.2 bumper stickers!)

Race training really has been a up-and-down process -- there’s days I feel like it and days I don’t. And that’s okay. The important thing is that I just keep going. So whatever aspiration the Lord lays on your heart, pursue it diligently, faithfully and hopefully. You won’t regret it!

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall