Building Your Own Ark

Noah's ark... It certainly is one of my all-time favorite passages. It's a story of big faith as we see Noah, a man who "found favor in the eyes of the Lord" (Gen. 6:8), fully embracing the Lord's instructions to build a massive boat in preparation for an impending flood God would send to punish a deeply sinful people. Noah and his family (along with tons of their closest animal friends, of course) were saved from the destruction of 40 days and 40 nights of relentless rain because of Noah's faith and obedience to God's call, despite the unbelief of everyone else around him. Big faith in a big God produces big blessings.

I began reading this story to one of my little boys the other night when I had somewhat of a startling revelation: God has called me to build an ark.

And don’t worry...that doesn’t mean I’m about to start constructing a massive boat over summer vacation. What it does mean is that I believe the Lord sometimes calls us to be the “crazy ol’ God follower” and to do something seemingly ridiculous to protect ourselves, or someone else He’s called us to love. I’m beginning to feel as though my journey into foster parenting is the "ark" God has called me to build for the kids He has placed in my care now and could bring into my home in the future. In the same way, I see my classroom also as an "ark" for my students. All these kids come with trauma, despair, anger, sadness, fear and stress. (Or, as I like to call them, the 40 days and 40 nights of rain.)

As we take a page out of Noah’s story and examine areas in our own lives where we can “build arks”, let these thoughts serve as reminders as we search our hearts for the callings God has given each of us.

First, Noah walked with God (Gen. 6:9). He was able to hear what he was being called to because of his closeness with the Lord and dependence on Him.

Secondly, Noah obeyed; he listened AND did (Gen. 6:22). He listened carefully to every detail the Lord laid out for him, and he did just what was asked of him.

Lastly, Noah was patient. Not only did he work tirelessly in complete faith to construct a gigantic boat (Gen. 6:14-16), but he also waited on God to stop the rain before he and his family attempted to come out of the ark themselves.(Gen. 8:15). God told Noah when to begin AND when to end. How neat!

I hope we can all begin to see that there are “arks” to be built all around us. Whether it’s at work, in our homes or in our churches, there are opportunities to be those “crazy ol’ God followers” -- the ones who give themselves over completely to the Lord’s calling.  

What "ark" do you feel God is calling you to "build"? As we seek out and pursue those opportunities He’s given us, we can remember that God is also carrying us in His ark of salvation, always giving us protection and care so that we can build an ark for others. And as we build our own ark for others, let's remember those who may have served as an "ark" to us during our own personal "40 Days and 40 Nights" of rain. And if you feel as if you are currently in a flood in desperate need of an ark, know the Lord has already provided your safety and provision. All you have to do is accept it.

Time is of the essence, let’s get to building!

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall