How to Love Your Morning Workout

We all know the benefits of exercise; jump starting your metabolism for the day, gaining extra energy, a stronger body, weight loss, a healthy heart, the list goes on and on. But you may not know the added benefits of morning workouts. From jump starting your metabolism for the day (that means burning extra calories all day long), to having extra energy all day and being able to enjoy evenings free to spend time with family and friends, working out first thing in the AM adds even more effectiveness to your regular exercise routine.

Now, all this “morning workout” stuff sounds night. If you’re like me, when morning actually comes and it’s time to get up for my workout, it is extremely easy to press the snooze button. However, over the years I have learned some tried and true tips that will help us get that workout in long before the work day begins.

If you begin to implement these steps, after a few weeks you will find yourself more energized throughout the day and you will see your body growing stronger...and I even dare to say that you will begin to love those morning workouts.

So let’s hop right in!

Remember the buddy system. I know, I know – you probably expected me to say this one but, stay with me for a sec. We are all a little less likely to sleep in if we have a buddy we are meeting for a run or leg day at the gym. So find someone who has similar goals to you and will motivate you to get up and at it. Then, set up a schedule together ahead of time. This will help your mindset when you know a workout is already on your calendar. Plus, it has been proven that working out with a buddy highly increases your chances of sticking with your exercise goals and commitments. Accountability is key!

Set multiple alarms. This one might be silly but it helps me. I set multiple alarms one minute apart so if I hit snooze, I am reminded again in 60 seconds that it is time to get up! Choose a fun song to wake up to or add a motivational quote into your alarm so you remember why you’re making the extra effort, even when you don’t feel like it.

Pack your gym bag the night before. Try packing and laying out everything you will need the next morning: clothes, work bag, lunchbox, shower essentials, headphones, and even the snack you’re going to eat before your workout. That way, if you’re like me in the morning and are in zombie-mode after first waking, you can grab everything and be out the door to your workout without even thinking.

Snack prep tip: I meal prep the night (or even a few days) before. My favorite is to make sweet potatoes by baking and peeling them and then cutting them in half. It gives me a quick snack before I head to the gym and helps boost my energy in my workout. A banana or boiled eggs on toast are also great options as well.

Get those zzz’s. This one is short and simple – if you don’t get enough sleep it will be extremely difficult to get up in the morning and get to the gym! A good workout starts the night before with adequate sleep. So go to bed with enough time to get good rest, you know you’ll thank yourself in the morning!

Consistency is Key. As we all know, it takes a while to form a habit. Try getting up to work out at the same time each day for a month. It might seem like a lot to commit to, but it will help you get in bed earlier each night and your body will get used to waking up at the same time. Before you know it, it will be a part of your routine and you’ll begin to enjoy it. Challenge yourself and follow through, you can do it!

That’s it! Easy enough right? Don’t be discouraged if it is really hard to get in a routine. Habits and lifestyle changes take time! However, when the going gets tough, remind yourself of the benefits you will be reaping and keep your goals in front of you. Remember, each day you hop up with that alarm is another day you are becoming more disciplined and stronger.  It is SO worth it the yawns when you first get up! Trust me! 

"for God bought you with a price. So you much honor God with your body." 1 Corinthians 6:20

Do you want to love your morning workouts? Comment below and let us know which tip you’re most excited to try out!

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall