TFP's Top 4 Summer Reads

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” C.S. Lewis

There are few things I love more than sitting on the beach and reading a good book, and judging by the fact that you are reading this post, I am going to guess you feel the same way. So today I rounded up my top 4 favorite summer reads.

Set around the time of Jesus’ resurrection, this three-book fiction series follows the lives of Christ followers (the first “Christians”) in the years after His ascension. Be careful, though -- once you start these books you will not be able to stop. (I’m talking Netflix level binge-watch addiction here.) That’s why these books are so great for vacation, a long road trip or a Saturday by the pool -- a time where you can really get lost in a good book. This series is one of my all-time favorite reads and just talking about them makes me want to go pick up the whole series and reread them all over again…

If you’ve already read this series and would like something similar, I recommend Marta’s Legacy series by Francine Rivers or The Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis.

Katie Davis moved to Uganda right out of high school, and over the next few years as a young, single adult, she invested in the people of Uganda, became a refuge for many of the starving and wounded, and adopted over 14 children. Can you imagine? Katie writes her story beautifully and poetically, yet also in such a way that is so easy to read and captivating all at the same time. I highlighted page after page; it is incredible. This is the kind of book that encourages your heart deeply and makes you want to jump on the next plane to Uganda and live life like Katie -- with a heart that loves like Jesus.

If you’re looking for a book similar to Kisses from Katie, check out Wherever the River Runs by Kelly Minter, and take a peek at my review of it here.

So you enjoy pinning all those delicious looking recipes on Pinterest, right? So why not read up on some new recipes while also learning how eating, exercise and a healthy lifestyle is important to the Lord? To some people this may seem like an odd summer read choice, but trust’ll enjoy this book and learn a ton in the process. Rick Warren’s research (along with the help of coauthors and doctors, Daniel Amen & Mark Hyman) about our food and lifestyle choices today is eye-opening, convicting and just flat out interesting.

If you love to read more health and food type books, you would also enjoy the Dashing Dish Cookbook and Devotional by Katie Ferrell. Check out our interview with Katie here!

Some of you may remember me mentioning Sophie before in our previous TFP Top 4 reads. And there’s a reason for that: her writing truly is hilarious -- hilarious enough to make me break into hysterics on an airplane full of people I don’t know. (Totally worth the embarrassing stares, by the way.) I really cannot say enough good things about Sophie Hudson. She is by far one of my favorite authors, and you can check out her blog here. And in case I haven’t said it before, she is hilarious. Sophie’s third book, Giddy Up, Eunice came out this week (AHHH!), and I am so anxiously awaiting my vacation this month because this read is first up on my list as soon as I hit that sand!

If you love light-hearted, funny books about life, friendship and how good our Jesus is, check out Sophie’s first two books (Home is Where My People Are and A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet), along with another favorite of mine, Nobody’s Cuter than You by Melanie Shankle.

What’s on your summer reading list? Comment below and let us know!

Happy reading!

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