Writing the Word: 2 John, 3 John & Jude

It has officially been one whole year since Writing the Word began here at TFP and we have loved every minute of it! As we are finishing up 1 John, we are ready to keep it going in February by writing 2 John, 3 John and Jude!

Each of these books are letters written to specific people but the beauty of Scripture is that these words were inspired by God to be applicable to the original intended reader, and every future reader as well. Some of these passages may be more difficult to get through, if you find that happening, press in deeper and allow the Holy Spirit to search your heart - every Word of Scripture is important (2 Timothy 3:16-17). And when you have questions about what you’re writing, use that as a chance to research and learn more about Scripture and the context. When instruction is clear and practical, take a second to pause and see how the Holy Spirit wants you to apply His Word to your life. God’s Word is alive and active, and with each word we write, there is much Truth to gleam. So let’s dig in deep this month as we discover more and more each day of writing the Word.

As always, happy writing!

February 1 - 2 John 1-3
February 2 - 2 John 4
February 3 - 2 John 5-6
February 4 - 2 John 7-8
February 5 - Rest Day
February 6 - 2 John 9-11
February 7 - 2 John 12-13
February 8 - 3 John 1-4
February 9 - 3 John 5-8
February 10 - 3 John 9-10
February 11 - 3 John 11
February 12 - Rest Day
February 13 - 3 John 12-14
February 14 - Jude 1-2
February 15 - Jude 3
February 16 - Jude 4-5
February 17 - Jude 6-7
February 18 - Jude 8
February 19 - Rest Day
February 20 - Jude 9-10
February 21 - Jude 11-12
February 22 - Jude 13
February 23 - Jude 14-16
February 24 - Jude 17-19
February 25 - Jude 20 - 21
February 26 - Rest Day
February 27 - Jude 22 - 23
February 28 - Jude 24-25

Want to check out our other Writing the Word schedules? Click here for a list of what we've done so far! 

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© The Front Porch
Maira Gall